This is Joe's Fault

Monday, January 07, 2008

¿Dónde "S"tá la biblioteca?

The other day I stumbled across the Windsor Public Library site. At first I was impressed to see them having come so far from the time when I had to frequent their hallowed nooks as a student, lo those many years ago. (This was in the prehistoric days before computers, you understand, when you needed to use a thing called a "card catalogue" if you wanted to find a book. Although back then there were plenty of spots to park your dinosaur, at least.)

Anyway, now my old library is all online and digital and slick and whatnot. Good for them!

Only thing is, in looking at the front page of their site, I'm feeling a bit bad for the poor Windsorite illiterates now.

As if they didn't have enough to deal with already, poor buggers.