This is Joe's Fault

Monday, August 20, 2007


Lately I've become enamoured with jazz singer Blossom Dearie. (And yes, that's her actual birth name.) She's got this awesome improbable voice that I have fallen in love with, although it took me a little while. She can be an acquired taste.

However, you might already be in love with it and don't know it.

How is that if you've never heard her sing? Well, if you grew up with the excellent School House Rock series, you surely have. Take a listen to figure eight. And there is also my sister's favourite that she used to taunt me with, the one about adjectives. (I used to not be able to say my r's as a small child, so part of this song turned into "it was a haiwy beaw, it was a scawy beaw".)

If you'd like to see more of her non-kids-stuff, a small sample of three songs are up on YouTube that are very good (other than the whole not synching up with her lips bit, I hate that). Take a listen if you've got nine minutes or so. (My favourite is the last song that starts at about 6:38.)

The initial song that got me really interested in her was her and Lyle Lovett's version of Peel Me a Grape. I downloaded it just because it sounded like such a weird combo. It quickly became one of my favourites, and now I've bought a ton of her stuff through iTunes.

You can also check out her website where you can buy her stuff put out on her own label, Daffodil. It doesn't have enough information on it, though, as I'd like to hear more about her bio straight from the horse's mouth. But it does have her music, which will have to do for the time being.

(One sour note, though: I was a bit jarred being called a "foreign customer" when trying to purchase some of her stuff from her online. I'm not a foreigner, I'm a Canadian for goodness sake! We're about as foreign as white milk! Hmph.)