This is Joe's Fault

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hump day? More Like Stump Day!

Ba dum bum! I kill me. But seriously folks, I got nuthin'. Plus my cute boyfriend is over and bugging me to use the laptop to look up sports things (like I don't know it's porn. Duh.)

Anyway, today I learned that there is actually a word for that uneasy feeling I get whenever I get home from work and my tummy begins to rumble. I realize that I'm going to have to cook something, or waste away to nothing (*ahem* it might take a while, but I could waste).

I thought that I was the only person who dreads this dilemma, but no. There's actually a phobia of cooking that I can con my roommates wi-- er, that truly sick people face everyday. The word is mageirocophobia and apparently the fear is real.

Well, at least the specious program to cure you of it is real. I just hope you aren't also afflicted with the fear of specious $147 money-back guaranteed programs. Although, taking a quick gander at their phobia list their program might just possibly cure it.

Anyway, I hope you learned a little something today. I know I did. However, it's late and I'm afraid I gotta go. (I wonder what that fear's called...)


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