This is Joe's Fault

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Wingin' It Wednesday

Man, updating every day is hard. If only I could rant on and on about "the customer from h3ll today that totlly spazzed on ne. She made me want to jest grab a gun and shoot every1 in teh entire mall!! No, jest kiddin, I wouldn't want to kill Justin or Ben, tehy are t0tally h4wt!!1!! lol!!1!"

*sigh* If only.

But I made a promise and now I've got to try to think up something remotely interesting and write in complete sentences every day this week. But like I say, it's hard. So maybe I don't do it today. Maybe I just play with some of the sound bytes on my computer and try to make up a story to fit around them. Yeah, that might work.

As you may know, I'm not the most technologically advanced creature in the world. Growing up in my household was not conducive to it. My mom wasn't very interested in new-fangled technology, even if she'd have had the money for it, which she did not. We never had any kind of computer games in our house. I had to go over to my friend Jenn's house to play Atari when it first came out (oh, the humiliation! The shame!)

In fact, we were so behind the times I remember being really excited when my mom made the forward-thinking decision to buy an electric typewriter in 1989 (it erases mistakes automatically!)

I think the first glimpse I ever got of home computing was when I started dating my first boyfriend ever. He was a total geek. He had a top of the line system, his own printer and something called a "modem" that he said he could use to talk to other geeks in the vicinity. It sounded like some kind of wonderful moon-man magic to me. He told me that they would spend hours discussing science, religion, music, whatever. He said that it was the wave of the future and that it would make the world a better, more friendly place. And I believed him.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, 11 years passed and I thought I'd jump into the pool with both feet. I bought my first computer, a laptop, one that isn't even listed on the manufacturer's website anymore. Sadly, it's now listed in the "hideously out-of-date" section, a mere 4 years later.

And yet, I still love my little laptop and would recommend it to anyone. Even though it may be a woefully out of date, and it's not as fast as it could be, and it is no longer under warranty, it still does what I need it to do, and it does it well. Download lots and lots of porn.

The end.

(Ah, shoot. These sound files are also hopelessly out of date, too, aren't they?)

*This update was brought to you by the good people at MST 3K, the geeks that upload sound bytes for the world to use, and by viewers like you.


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