This is Joe's Fault

Monday, August 23, 2004

Miscellaneous Monday

Hi there, how the heck have you been? Me, I'm still working. And I will be for a little longer than I thought. Initially I was to be here until September 3rd, it now turns out I'll be at this job until at least October 15th. Which means that I thought that in two weeks' time I'd have lots more time to update this thing, but I guess not. Which means that I'm going to get my ass up early every day this week and update before I go off to work. (Guilt posts are always the best, don't you find?)

I don't have anything even close to any kind of theme, though, as I just thought of doing this last night. So I guess I'll just get up and start typing up any damn thing that occurs to me before I have to jump on the streetcar and head to work.

Which reminds me, I'd better get to it.

Last night just before I drifted off to sleep a thought floated through my head (actually, a million thoughts floated through my head, just like every other night, none of them making any sense or making it easier to sleep). In movies or stories or cartoons of the future there are always hovercraft everywhere. Why?

I mean, we've all still got cars, except now they hover instead of roll along the ground. Any machinery that lifts things and carries them around hovers as well. And sure, it's cool and all, I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying why? Is there something about the future that requires hovering? Will there be some environmental reason for it, like the pressure of vehicles is somehow eroding precious nutrients in the asphalt or something? Or maybe in the future scientists discover a deadly tread poisoning?

Or perhaps it's all a marketing scheme set up by an evil hovercraft maker (which is more in keeping with reality and is my real guess), and the "Hey Grandma! Buy a hovercraft, bitch!" advertising campaign sweeps the world making wheels utterly unfashionable and therefore, obsolete (in the future advertising is much, much more cutting edge than today).

Hm. Whatever the reason I can't wait for my hovercraft. I mean, riding along on the ground, that's just barbaric, ya know?


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