This is Joe's Fault

Monday, March 03, 2003

I was checking out the Crossing Over website yesterday, and I'm sorry, but whether you believe this John Edward guy or not, you have to agree that his t-shirts could have been made much more fun. A few suggestions:

"He's so good, even dead skeptics are intrigued."
"Recommended by Abe Lincoln. Honest."
or the always popular:
"Grandma communicated with me from beyond the grave and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."

But I kid the psychic phenomena. In actuality the complex emotional connections that people have with one another interest me.

In University we took a bit of paranormal psychology (for a whole two hours, woo). And while the professor was pretty flippant about it, she also pointed out that scientific theory relies on the ability to recreate tests in order to validate them. However, presumably the very emotional nature of things like precognition, feeling that someone you love hundreds of miles away is in danger, or talking to dead uncle Herbie, etc. is not likely to be able to be recreated in any way.

For example, to test the theory of gravity you could hold out a book and let it go and it will drop to the floor. You can recreate this experiment thousands of times. People can sit in the same chair, wear the same clothes, perform the same movements, etc. but their feelings, hormones, emotional state can never be recreated the exact same way from moment to moment. And when you factor in more than one person, the probability that you will be able to recreate the same situation for purposes of study is well nigh impossible. Does it mean that it didn't happen for real the first time?

It could be that talking to the dead, reading minds, being precognizant, etc. is all a giant load of bunk. Or it could be that we just have no way of adequately measuring its existence at this time. Like ultraviolet light. We didn't know it existed at one time because we had no way to see or study it. Or gravity for that matter.

Does that mean that I believe in Dial-a-Psychic? Hell no. But I know for a fact that Mom-Spidey-Senses exist (how she always knew I was eating cookies in the basement when I had taken such pains to be stealthy I'll never understand. It was like she could see through floors, man). But there's always room for doubt, is all I'm saying.

Ooh, another t-shirt possibility:
[with arrows pointing all around in every direction] "I'm always with stupid. Always."


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