This is Joe's Fault

Thursday, February 27, 2003

New York, New York

I was in New York city last week, for the first time in my life. It was really cool. Slightly different than I imagined, but definitely cool. I had to go for work and I stayed for almost a full week.

The best part of the whole trip was that there was a "blizzard" (Americans are so cute about the snow, like they've never seen it before or something). It was less than two feet but it brought the city that never sleeps to a halt. Add to that that it happened the night before a holiday and on Monday it effectively looked like we had the whole city to ourselves. It was absolutely beautiful and definitely helped to make me heart NY as much as any tourist. I mean, snowflakes gently falling over the city as we walked to the Plaza past Central could you NOT fall in love with that?

But there were lots of not-so-good things about my trip, too, and since this is a blog, I thought I'd dwell more on those. So.

First off, since we're doing a deal with CBS we got tickets to see Letterman in the CBS section. Now, this in and of itself is not a bad thing. It's just that afterword I felt compelled to send a thank-you note to the lady that we were working with and who got us the tickets.

And I, um, well...I wrote a Top Ten Good Things About the CBS Seats list. *sigh* Yeah, I know. I must have still been drunk or something. But the deed is done, the card is sent, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Except regret it heartily. I've got THAT covered, believe me. *sigh* (What was I thinking?!)

Don't worry! More unpleasantness to come!


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