This is Joe's Fault

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Bad Mojo Rising

Lately everything's coming up bad and scary. And I'm not even talking about the plight of the world right now. Sure chemical weapons, nukes, mass destruction and war are scary, but they're far enough removed from me to be merely nagging dread.

But I mean like in real life stuff is happening all around me that are less than comforting. For example, my good friend is two weeks older than me and he was just diagnosed with a scary stomach thing. But, as if that weren't enough, he goes and has a slight heart attack two weeks later, frightening the crap out of all of us. He's recovering from the attack rather well, his heart is actually pretty healthy normally, but jaysis! He's still got the stomach thing and I'm afraid he is not out of the woods yet.

And I know quite a few other stories like that from people I work with, am related to, and are acquainted with on IRC. Lots of people being diagnosed with cancer, one girl is in a mysterious coma, my work (which is now within walking distance) is moving out to the middle of freakin' nowhere, there has been an alarming increase in reality-based television, my favourite message board has been blown just goes on and on.

It's like that Red Dwarf episode about luck being a virus. It seems there's a violent strain of bad luck going around right now. I was hoping that Being a Good Person would afford some sort of immunity, but my friend is a much nicer person than I am, and he still had a heart attack (and I'm not really that good of a person anyway, so really, who was I kidding?)

So I guess all that's to be done is to just ride this baby out. I'll hide under the covers, drink lots of liquids, eat chicken soup and, hopefully, I'll get through this thing unscarred.

(Oh, and I'll try not to scratch, either. Can't hurt, might help.)


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