This is Joe's Fault

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Well, well, well. It would seem that I am putting yet another blog on the fire. (I am aware that I am probably the eighteen millionth person to dream up that same pun, too. I am not proud of this.) It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose. You're just lucky I am too indolent and insecure to have finished my own website. Take this as a blessing in disguise, if that helps you at all.

The upside about doing this, though, is that there are so many of these blogger dealies around that I feel quite assured that no one will ever notice it. (I regret that I don't know any l33t speak which would help to keep my entries truly incomprehensible, but whatareyagonnado?)

Right now I have no specific agenda with this. I, like most humans, have very little of real value to say. However, sometimes it is soothing to repeat things that have given me comfort in the past, or type up musings that seemed to me original (that is, until I've read them written more clearly and cogently in some seventeeth century novel or top ten list). There is value in trying to figure things out, though, even if we have to make the same discoveries that everyone else has made at one time or another. And if you can make yourself giggle along the way, well, so much the better.

In any event, this is the new weblog. Yay!


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