This is Joe's Fault

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Change is Coming

I've got an update for this week, however, I've been feeling a little... same-y lately, so I'm going to look at revamping the old blog.

Now, you know how I am with the technical aspect of the internet, so it might not be the best right out of the box and may take a try or two before I nail it. Do you think I'm just going to hit "New Template" and that'll be that? Do you really think I care so little of you, my loyal and startingly enormous readership? Well, stop thinking that. I care about both of you, dearly.

Anyway. Just thought I'd let you know that the times they are a chaung-ing (you know, I hate how you can't imitate someone in text. If you'd heard Steve Martin's records from the 70s you'd know how that is supposed to sound, dammit. Ah well, c'est la vie!)


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